IIMI GD/PI experience
Here goes the description.
Date; 25th March
Venue: IICM, Vashi (UTI institute, 3rd floor)
Time: 2:00 PM
Panel: 1 (not sure)
Case study:
8 people in the group, one lady. I was the only fresher. Vinz also in the same panel. 5 minutes to read, 16 minutes to discuss, 5 minutes to write the summary. Summary to be written down on the back of the yellow form. The case was about a person who joined family business after studies and did pretty well there. Thereafter, he entered into the education field which was quite close to his heart. He set up schools and colleges. Then he plunged into politics, became an MLA and then an MP and was, in all probabilities, going to become a minister soon. The management of the schools and colleges was looked after by his family members. But a week before the celebration of the completion of a decade of his schools and colleges one of the schools of his is derecognised by CBSE and the colleges also face some case in teh court. To add to his woes, the HRD minister cancels his visit to his celebrations. So what should he do?
Utter crap case. Of the one page write up given, 3/4th page had some of the other information about the person in question. Only the last 1/4the section spoke about the problem and so the problem wasn't clear at all. And therefore, we had quite a lacklustre discussion.
They were calling people in random order. LUck wasn't with me this time. In 3 out of my previous 5 interviews, I was 2nd and in one I was 1st. But today I was 7th!! And with the panel spending 30 mins with each person, it was a long long wait for me!
P1: Bored interviewer
P2: cordial interviewer
Me: Yours truly
When I was called for the interview, I went to the door and knocked to appear civilised. But the room was designed such that the sounds from inside could not be heard outside. And so I could not hear when they asked me to come in. I knocked thrice, then made sure that I was knocking at the right door and finally barged in!
P1: So vivek, How are you?
Me: Fine sir.
P1: Long wait for you huh? Must be bored?
Me: Yes Sir. A long wait. But I was busy solving sudokus.
P2: So, you are very much interested in sudokus?
Me: No sir. But a good way to spend time.
Now, without any other formalities, P2 just jumped to acads.
P2: You have this course probability and statistics? Why this course in IT?
Me: Explained that mine is not IT but ICT where we have subjects from IT, CS and ECE. The course is relavant for CS and ECE fields.
P2: Ok. What is Baye' theorem? (Hands me a sheet of paper)
Me: Told.
P2: What would be P(B/A) if P(A/B) is given?
Me: Told
P2: Give an example of Baye's theorem.
Me: After thinking for a while, started telling about different coloured balls in a container and drawing balls without replacement.
P2: No. I don't want this bookish example.
Before I could think of another example, he asked the next question.
P2: Is Baye's theorem applicable to all kinds of events?
Me: Tried to say something about if there are B1, B2 ... Bn events and they should be independent.
P2: No. what should be the relation between A and B?
Me: Couldn't really understand the question. So clueless stares.
P2: Have you heard about mutually exclusive and independent events.
Me: yes. Explained.
P2: Given an example of independent events.
Me: Questions asked by this panel and those asked by the other panel are independent to each other.
P2: What happens when A and B are mutually exclusive?
From this question, he led me show that the theorem cannot be applied when A and B are mutually exclusive. I wasn't really convinced but let it pass by accepting whatever he said.
P2: Where can be Bayes' theorem be applied in electronics?
Me: Couldn't think of an example there.
P2: In communication?
Me: Talked about information theory. Told them about the probability of receiving a message x1, when the transmitted message was also x1 and when the transmitted message was other than x1.
P2: In what type of practical channels the prob. P(X1/X1) would be 1 and where would it be less than 1.
Me: In no practical chaneel it would be 1.
P2: So, in the decreasing order of prob. what would be the list of channels?
Me: Optical fibres, copper cables, wireless.
P2: Working principles of these channels.
Me: Told.
P2: Why more noise in wireless. Tell mathematically.
Me: Gave a physical explanation. Told them that didn't know the mathematics.
P2: How can the noise be compensated?
Me: Told about repeaters.
P2: Give a practical example.
Me: Told about optical amplifiers used in optical fibre channels at appropriate intervals
P2 now signals to P1 to take over. All this while P1 gave a terribly bored look. He seemed to be very tired and didn't show any interest in my answers. And when it was his turn to interview, he asked pure GK questions.
P1: Which states are ruled by BJP?
Me: Told.
P1: CMs of these states.
Me: Told and added that wasn't very sure.
P1: Which states ruled by Congress.
Me: Gave some names.
P1: Cm of karnataka.
Me: Don't remember the name but Dharamsingh was repalced by the son of Dev Gowda.
P1: CM of Kerala?
Me: Don't know.
P1: WHo rules in J&K?
Me: Congress with NCP.
P1: NCP??
Me: I am sorry. NCP is in Maharashtra. It is NC in J&K.
P1: In UP.
Me: Told
P1: Which of these governments is more development oriented?
Me: Told about Gujarat and Maharashtra.
All these while, I would look at P2 for assurance because I wasn't very sure of my answers and P2 was giving a nod whenever I gave a correct answer.
P1 signals to P2 that he is done.
P2: You have campus placement?
Me: Yes, in __________.
P2: It's a nice opportunity to get some good experience. Why not go for it?
Me: Told about willing to have a continuity in my academic career.
P2: Thank you vivek. Take a biscuit.
Me: Thank you.
THis was it. 20 minutes. Compared to others I had a pretty easy interview. One guy in the other panel was asked to explain every single thing written on a pencil (HB Bonded lead etc.) A lot of direct GK was being asked. DOn't know how does that serve any purpose.
Thus ended the season for me. Now begins the nail-biting wait for the results. Hope my first tryst with CAT becomes the last one too.
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